What Are You Thinking?


What Are You Thinking? is an upcoming show featuring UMass Dartmouth Artisanry alumni.   Anything goes, from a sketch, to a piece in process, to a finished work, as long as it is 6 x 6"!

Bench Shot

My brain has been occupied with a few things as of late, but this show is coming to the forefront as it is very quickly approaching!  Here are a few different things I am thinking about: Wobbly hollow formed rings, hole-y enameled domes, and...


a new place to work!  I found a small desk, but it was about ten days before I took out that Plano tackle box holding all of the essentials.  In simply setting out a few of my most basic tools, I felt a deep sense of joy and satisfaction.  With a few modifications, this little desk will be a great place to use those lovely tools and to finish the thoughts started earlier this summer!  Be sure to check back soon!